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Date: October 8th, 2022

We are declaring a presumptive Covid-19 Outbreak in building 181. More to follow once public health has given further direction.

- The Management Team

Date: April 29th, 2022

With heavy hearts we are declaring a Covid-19 outbreak in building 175 on our 2nd floor. We hope to get this resolved quickly and have isolate any residents that had potential exposure. We will be suspending General visits for at least 5 days. We Will work diligently to contain the spread of the virus.

- The Management Team

Date: April 27th, 2022

APRIL 27TH 2022 update for visits: There is no longer the need to schedule visits in. Visiting hours for both buildings are from 8am to 7pm. Masks are mandatory in the buildings at all times. The visits are to be in the residents rooms or our outdoor patios. You must sign yourself in when you arrive. Tables are set up with the paperwork required. In the care building 175 please ring the doorbell when you arrive so that staff can let you in. Please remember building 175 is a secured environment and the doors are locked for our residents safety. The number of visitors in a residents room must still allow for appropriate social distancing. We look forward to seeing you All 

- The Management Team

Date: Feb 17th, 2022

Great News! Our outbreak has been declared over as of Midnight tonight !!!
Friday Feb 18 our residents will be back to eating in the dinning room and getting some much needed socializing!!!!  its been a long 31 days!

- The Management Team

Date: Feb 8th, 2022

Todays update is that the first floor is off outbreak as of tomorrow Feb 09th 2022... however we still have an active outbreak on the second floor that we hope to declare over on Feb 17th 2022. Thank you all for your patience. Visits for the entire facility should hopefully resume on Feb 17th.

- The Management Team

Date: Feb 6th, 2022

We are still in outbreak.. we have done several rounds of PCR and rapid tests as per Public Health. Our expected day of the outbreak to be declared over is Feb 10* fingers crossed* Tomorrow we will be doing another round of PCR tests on all residents who are negative. If this date changes we will let you all know. All residents are being served meals in their room...we have put extra staff on to help with this and have extra eyes and pop in visits with the residents. This isn't easy but we will make it through together <3

- The Management Team

Date: Jan 23rd, 2022

So todays update is the entire care building is on outbreak. All residents were PCR tested today. Unfortunately this means all residents are in their rooms for all meals. We are fighting a hard battle, and we have so many staff off that we need all of our resources to do and meet all the residents care needs. We will keep you posted as things change.

- The Management Team

Date: Dec 16th, 2021

⚠️ Attention All Visitors & Residents ⚠️


A Special Advisory was sent to all Retirement Homes on Dec 14th, 2021.


Niagara Gardens Covid Response Team will be implementing all required protocols effective Dec 20th, 2021 and they are as follows:


☑️ Require Rapid Antigen testing for all Staff and Visitors that pass screening, before entering the building.


☑️ All visitors MUST provide proof of being fully vaccinated within 14 days of the visit to enter the building.


☑️ All visits must be scheduled in advance as visits are subject to availability of staff able to perform rapid testing.


☑️ Visits are Monday to Saturday from 9:30am to 2:30pm every half hour as this process takes approximately 20 mins per visitor.


☑️ Two (2) Visitors in at a time for visits with the resident, in their suite only.


All common areas are for Residents only at this time.


Please at this time know we are doing everything we can to keep the Residents and our Staff safe, this is always our main focus.


We are asking all families to understand we are trying to provide equitable access to all families.


Please call 905-687-3388 ext 2011 to schedule a visit.

- The Management Team

Date: Dec 10th, 2021

With the ever changing directives and the presentation of this new variant of concern. Effective immediately all visitors that have traveled outside of Canada within 14 days of their visit have to pass screening including a rapid test before their visit. Starting January 01 2022 all visits must be scheduled in once again as we are implementing rapid tests for all visitors. Visits are subject to availability and staffing. Thank you for continuing to keep our Residents safe. We are All in this together, lets remain a Covid free facility.

- The Management Team

Date: Dec 3rd, 2021

Visiting over the Christmas weekend!


Date: October 26th, 2021

Good News!!! To Start November 01, 2021.



Date: August 30th, 2021

The Government of Ontario has ask us to get prepared for a third round of vaccinations. At this time we have no details except the new consent form. I have attached it in a couple of different forms however if you can not access we also have paper copies at the facility. I can fill out all the information except for the signatures on the bottom of page 3 and the top of page 4. I will update everyone when we are given more direction. However last time they gave us very little notice so if we could get the consent forms back as soon as possible that would be great. Thank all of you for protecting our seniors. Niagara Gardens has sent out emails to the families we have on file... if you didnt receive please contact the facility as we have paper copies as well. We are striving to be prepared ...and we will always keep our residents our top priority.

- The Management Team

Date: June 8th, 2021

With the ever changing directives, Niagara Gardens would like to let families and residents know that indoor and outdoor visits must still be scheduled in and is subject to availability to allow equitable access for all families. Residents are able to be picked up and leave the facility for day trips. We have created outdoor spaces for the outdoor visits, if the visit is indoors, it must be in the residents suite... if the visit is outside it must be in one of the visitation areas... and follow the provincial guidlines..masks...socially distant and 5 people.....including the resident. Please try and call Monday to Friday from 10-2 to schedule visits. Please be patient, we know all families want to see their loved ones.♡

- The Management Team

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Date: June 8th, 2021

Starting June 14th... instead of our usual drop off times for essential supplies for the residents... you are asked to bring your loved ones supplies when you are in to have a visit( remember to schedule outdoor or indoor visits Monday to Friday between 10-2.. please sanitize any supplies you are bringing in. Our staff is gearing up to start our Activities programs!!! Such amazing news!!

- The Management Team

Date: April 20th, 2021

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Date: April 20th, 2021

We have created a virtual tour of our small, medium and large rooms. Please feel free to look around and let us know if you require any further information.

- The Management Team

Date: March 26th, 2021

Unfortunately at this time we cannot allow any in-person tours of our building but stay-tuned as we are putting together a virtual tour which will be shared soon!

- The Management Team

Date: February 22nd, 2021

Today our residents received their 2nd Covid-19 Vaccine.. followed by a Tim Hortons drive thru.. a big thank you to Derek & Penny the owners of the 212 Welland Ave store in St Catharines.. who donated all of the goodies and beverages for the residents and staff today!! All of the amazing Niagara Gardens Staff... you truly amaze me when I see your dedication to the residents.. The Public Health Nurses that stayed with us all day who took their time for each and every resident.. truly a proud moment.♡ It warms my heart to see so many come together for the love of our seniors!

- The Management Team

Date: January 16th, 2021

**UPDATE** When we received the call late Jan 15th, our wonderful DOC Beth called and we jumped into action and spent the better part  of the night into the early morning putting the residents in outbreak for their own safety (the facility was deep cleaned and sanitized) until we heard from from Public Health (just being super cautious) because this staff has no contact with residents, the facility has not been deemed an outbreak by Public Health. The staff member is asymptomatic and isolating at home and will be cleared by public health before they can return to work. All staff had been tested Jan 14... and are all Covid free. This is why weekly testing is so important! So it is back to normal for the residents tomorrow. Was a proud moment to see how all the staff worked together like the amazing team I know they are ♡♡♡ Kindest Regards Sheila

- The Management Team

Date: January 16th, 2021

As of January 16th, we have a staff member test positive for Covid-19. Public Health states it is a suspected outbreak and have not declared it yet. We put all outbreak protocols in place to keep our residents safe. For now, until we receive further direction from Public Health, the residents will have all meals in their suites. We all hope for a quick resolve and ask for your patience at this time as the residents are our first priority. Stay safe.

- The Management Team

Date: December 10th, 2020

As of December 9th 2020 the MOH changed directive #3 to reflect the Provincial Coloured Zone System (that is updated by the province each friday). Retirement Homes in Orange, Red, or Grey zones cannot have General Visitors.

Please continue to follow what recommendations are put out by Public Health.

The Niagara Region is currently in an Orange Zone. When this changes I will update families via Facebook and our Website. If you have any questions or concerns about your loved one please call the facility for updates. These are trying times and as always we want you to know we are here to keep your loved ones safe.

- The Management Team

Date: November 13th, 2020

All residents and families,

We have been put into Alert Status, Monday Nov 16th 2020

As of Monday, Nov 16th Residents can only leave the Retirement home for Essential Medical Appointments. You must tell the staff you are leaving and ensure you are screened back in.

Each Friday the RHRA sends out new directives to take affect within 48 hours, so this means each Monday directives can change.

The Retirement home is reminding you that you must wear a face covering and sanitize or wash your hands often and keep your 2 meter distance from others. Avoid public places, do not go out if you feel unwell or if the person picking you up feels unwell. 

We are now allowed  to accept ONE visitor at a time with the resident. Visitation hours have not changed and protocols remain the same. 

- The Management Team

Date: October 29th, 2020

As of Friday, October 30th 2020 residence can now leave with family to spend some much needed family time (you must be screened back into the facility, and you must tell the staff when you are leaving). The Retirement Home is reminding you that you must wear a face covering and sanitize or wash your hands often and keep your 2 meter distance from others. Avoid public places, do not go out if you feel unwell or if the person picking you up feels unwell. 

These directives can change every week (usually on a Friday). We are currently in a Non-Alert Status.

We are now allowed to accept 2 visitors at a time with the resident.

Visitation hours are as follows: 10:00am - 2:30pm Monday to Friday. This allows Susie to screen all visits, as our PSW staff need to be tending to the care needs of our Residents * The protocols remain the same. 

- The Management Team

Date: October 22nd, 2020

Due to increased Covid numbers in the Niagara Region, and the restrictions on our residents we feel our staff's time is better served with spending time with our residents & we are tightening up our drop off protocols. Drop offs will be Monday, Wednesday & Friday, essential items, pre packaged items ONLY. 

No open food.

Medications can be dropped off daily.

Times will be 1:30 to 2:30 in 181 Building

Times will be 10:30 to 11:30 in 175 Building

Items will be sanitized and delivered to the resident. Please only drop off on the days above and essential items only as these are the only days for staff to address the items.

- The Management Team

Date: October 13th, 2020

As of October 13th 2020, Residence can only leave the Retirement Home for essential Medical Appointments. The RHRA has sent out a new advisory titled Retirement Home Covid-19 Visiting Policy. It has categorized Retirement Homes. If your home is in the High Alert or Alert Status there are new restrictions with respects to residents leaving, or visits coming in, we are now allowed to only accept one visitor at a time with the resident.

Visitation hours are as follows:

10:00am - 2:30pm Monday to Friday. This allows Suzie to screen all visits, as our PSW staff need to be tending to the care needs of our Residents. *The protocols remain the same. 

The Niagara Region has been put into the ---Alert Status---

We will update weekly and we will ensure to let all families and residents know if our status in the Niagara Region changes.

- The Management Team

Date: September 28th, 2020

Today we are in heightened precautions. For Families and residents this means No visits on the property or taking the resident out. No drop offs until further notice as the staff need to focus their time on heightened sanitizing. Once we receive the results of the swab taken we will update facebook and website to let all families know. Please refrain from calling into the facility as we are busy putting things in place to keep the residents safe. 

- The Management Team

Date: September 10th, 2020

As of September 9th, 2020 indoor visits can be scheduled. Visits will take place in individual resident rooms and must be scheduled in advance with the home to ensure that we have the staffing capacity to screen the visitors in and out, as well as supervise the amount of visitors in the building to allow for proper social distancing; visits can consist of 2 visitors at a time, in a resident's room for 30 minutes once weekly to allow for equal opportunities for all families.

Visitors will have to attest to Niagara Gardens staff to having a negative Covid-19 swab result within 14 days of visit, and attest to not have visited another home on outbreak, or a resident or person who is self isolating or symptomatic.

Proper hand hygiene and surgical masks are to be worn at all times when in residents' rooms and within the Niagara Gardens home. Visitors are to only visit the resident they are here to see and must not leave the visitation area until the visit is over.

All visitors at Niagara Gardens need to follow Public Health Ontario mandated directives. Any non adherence to the Indoor Visitation Policy by visitors may result in prohibiting said visitor access to indoor visits. 

- The Management Team

Date: August 27th, 2020

Information for  residents and families regarding short term absences (Not including overnight).


- The Management Team

Date: June 15th, 2020

We are very happy to announce Premier Ford has allowed visitation to occur as of June 18, 2020. As we have all missed our families through this pandemic this comes as a relief to most residents and families.We at Niagara Gardens do however need to make sure all our residents and facility stay Covid free. This means we have had to create policies and procedures that reflect our need to keep all safe and organized.

A package with visitation rules and schedule can be found in the link below.

- The Management Team

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Date: June 2nd, 2020

Some love from our residents to their families... we know how hard this is on the Families & Residents during this time... we are doing everything we can to keep them safe and happy!! Hopefully soon we will see you all again!! 💙💙💙

- The Management Team


Date: June 1st, 2020

Our new normal is not normal.. however we are trying to come up with some ideas to keep our residents safe and allow for social distancing at meal times.

- The Management Team

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Date: March 23rd, 2020


Today, the Chief Medical Officer has issued a directive outlining new precautions and procedures for long-term care and retirement homes. The directive, to be implemented immediately, residents are no longer permitted to leave the home for short-stay absences to visit family and friends. Residents may go outside of the home but should remain on the home's property and maintain a distance of a minimum of two metres from other people at all times.

We appreciate your cooperation during this time. 

- The Management Team

Date: March 16th, 2020


We have been diligently increasing our efforts to keep our residents and staff safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. On the advice and recommendations obtained by the Ministry of Health, Niagara Gardens will be restricting all visitors to the facility and suspending all inhouse activities to adhere to social distancing effective immediately and until further notice.

This is not a step that we have taken lightly, and we ask for your patience during this time as these protocols are in place to keep our seniors safe. Thank you.

- The Management Team


Niagara Gardens Senior Living is located in the City of St. Catharines, at the intersection of the QEW and Niagara St. We offer all the comforts to which you are accustomed, in a warm home like atmosphere


175-181 Niagara Street, St. Catharines, ON L2R4M1 

Phone: (905) 687-3388


Sheila Given (Management): 


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